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Longer Lashes Without Makeup

Some people are just born with them but, for some people just don't have long and thick lashes. Many people want long, thick lashes. They make a person's eyes look even more attractive and beautiful. Please bear in mind that each remedy will have different results on different people. It may take several weeks or a couple of months before major results show. Who knows you might find more than one remedy that works for you. Here are some home remedies to thicker, longer and healthy lashes.


DON"T RUB YOUR EYES! I know that during allergy season our eyes get dry and itchy but do not rub them. Rubbing the eyes constantly can cause the lashes to loosen and cause them to break off. Remove ALL makeup around the eyes. Makeup clogs up the skin around your eyes which is vey thin and sensitive. Mascara is really heavy on the lases. Be gentile when taking off eye makeup so that you don't break off any hairs. ​ Trim your lashes. Yes I know it sounds crazy but it can really help. I'm not saying to trim them every week but try trimming them once every two or three months. Trimming your lashes will help stimulate the follicles of your lashes and makes them grow faster ​ Olive Oil. This is a well-known natural remedy for thicker hair growth as well as eyelashes. It nourishes and add volume to your eyelashes. It also helps to keep the lashes dark. ​ Green tea. No this is not for drinking... unless you really want to. Add warm water to some green tea then apply it to your eyes and its as simple as that. Green tea promotes healthy lash growth and make them thicker and stronger. ​ Vitamin E. Everyone knows that vitamin E is good for you but, did you know that it helps your lashes to grow thicker? Just apply some to your lashes for a couple of weeks and your lashes will be stronger and fuller. Vaseline ​This is one of the oldest tricks in the book! Apply Vaseline to your eyelids regularly at night. Doing this helps grow your lashes longer and thicker. Diet ​Although these are good home remedies for beautiful lashes, you should have a nice and balanced diet. Just like the hairs on our head our lashes need a good supply of vitamins and minerals to grow.


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